About Wiconi Family
Camp & Powwow

Wiconi Direction
To release faith in the power of Creator’s Son through our culture in a way that imparts strength for safety, dignity and life.
Wiconi History
In 1997, Wiconi ("Life" in Lakota) International was established in response to centuries of misguided individuals telling Indigenous peoples they must renounce their culture to follow Jesus.
In 2015, Wiconi joined with Indigenous Pathways to continue to strengthen the community that Wiconi had established.
In 2020, with the blessing of Indigenous Pathways, the Wiconi Family Camp and Living Waters Powwow began operating independently.
With administrative support from The Navigators and funding from friends of Wiconi, we are grateful that campers can continue to dance their prayers and worship in the Jesus Way as Indigenous people.